Town Council
W.R. Horan Mayor
Born in Waterville, Maine in 1941, Mayor W.R. Horan was raised in a welfare home until he was 17 years old. He served in the military for over eight years. He then moved to Wild & Wonderful West Virginia in 1966. Horan worked as a master electrician for 30+ years and has proudly served on the town council for 8 years before becoming our mayor. He has now been an integral part of our council and the community's mayor for 11 years and feels that his role is a reminder of life's opportunities. With his unique background and dedication to the town, he reminds us that..."Ain't Life Grand!"
Bruce Minor Recorder
Bruce Minor serves as the Recorder for our town council. He moved to Franklin, West Virginia in August 1969. He has been involved with Franklin Volunteer Fire Department and the Pendleton County Emergency Rescue for many years. Formerly Mayor, Bruce continues to serve our council with pride in this community.
Genevieve Glover Council Member
Genevieve Glover has been a true asset to the Town of Franklin. For 35 years and counting, Genevieve has been involved in many efforts the town has made in bettering our community.
Kristin Dingess Council Member
Kristin Dingess graduated with a Masters in Counseling/Rehabilitation from Marshall University. She moved to Pendleton County in 2007 and has enjoyed being a member of our council for the past two years.Kristin works as a contractor and supervises contract employees at bases on the east coast. She grew up in Charleston, West Virginia, so her love of our state runs deep and shines through in our little community.
Jarred Rawson Council Member
Jarred Rawson was born in 1996 and graduated in 2015. He is the owner of MVP Management in Franklin, West Virginia and decided that his commitment to our community would bring him to the town council. He joined as a member to our council in July 2022 and promises to protect our town's integrity.
T.E. Wimer, Jr. Council Member
T.E. Wimer, Jr. is a true "Franklin Townie." He was born in 1935 in Franklin, West Virginia. He Graduated from FHS in 1953 and is an alumni of Shepherd College (1962) and West Virginia University (1965 - earning a M.A.). "Bum" Wimer served in the U.S. Army from 1954 to 1956 and has taught at FHS for 33 years. He retired in 1995 and has served on our town council for 16 years.
Keely Smith Council Member
Keely Smith graduated from West Virginia University in 2011 with a Masters in Elementary Education, specializing in early childhood. She has been actively involved with the Town Pool for over 10 years, all while teaching Pre-K for the same number of years. She was newly appointed on the council in July 2022. Keely is proud to support our community, the town where she was actually born.